Friday, May 15, 2015

Police Brutality End Now!

Whole Police Officers should be mandatory to wear body cameras and just with communities. There are many disagreement between law enforcements and communities because of police's violence brutalities around the country in many decades. Body cameras should be wearing that able to interact with public communities and keep a record of evidence.

Today civilians use mobile to be increased record the police brutality document cases helpfully. Police brutality may have several reasons; not only for racial injustice, the war on drug and also justice criminal system emphasised criminalization over unfortunately justice system here

Secondary, the body cameras may useful instead of a written report and patrol car's cameras; It should prevent unjustly accused misconduct on civilians. The police officers need to restore and interact with public communities a better relationship in a particular.

Eventually, body cameras may not succeed overnight included a need to reform the justice system first, then restore public communities' trusts. Civilians may disrupt with many of police officers' brutality, abuse of authority and unjust with communities. It could exceptionally difficult move forward work each other because of both experienced through traumatic events.

Friday, May 1, 2015


Many unrest protests over injustice criminal system today over urban areas around United States today One issue currently are many agreements controversial about injustice system.It is time for United States recognize justice system an opportunity to reform; the system not emphasizes criminalization over the justice system, develop a better relation between law enforcements, and communities.

I agree with an article; United States has highest unfortunate imprisonment than any countries, and over two million individual Americans are trap in imprisonment due injustice, and policies' brutal. I think it is important to reform this system today before it may worse in unrest event. The American should provide low-income families a better education, opportunities employment, and build improvement relation between law enforcement and communities.

As the conclusion, United States being recognize this failure and injustice system today; Congress should propose to reform this system, and benefit low-income families' living improve and better education.

Friday, April 17, 2015

United States & Cuba Relations

United States should normalize Cuba within an economic, and foreign affair arrangement. One issue currently are many disagreement controversial about United States, and Cuba's relation historic in past fifty years; United States, what is woefully tension with Cuba for Castro's Communist Government, included Missiles crisis with Soviet Union, and also Terrorism list. According to President Obama, "It will mean more Americans traveling to Cuba, more commerce,"

Many Republican Congress strongly cited President Obama to move forward with Cuba for an entire region, and hostiled Castro's Communist Government for many decades. President Obama officially requested Congress to remove Cuba on Terrorism list from State Department. Both countries would develop better opportunities, entrepreneurship, and importance national security; To require eliminate the embargo on Cuba, and restore diplomatic with Cuba.  Congress should approve OK to remove it from State Department, and move forward new relationship with Cuba for the entire regional.

Cuban people actually have been struggling when comes to United States, and Castro's Communist Government tension since Cold War; Cold War finished since Berlin Wall ended with Soviet Union fell twenty-five years ago. Cuba eventually had been isolated long time on Economic Embargo with United States for fifty years. Cuba's politics may turn point to be better development, and build better relationship with United States, and included Latin Americans for future.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Yes to Iran Nuclear Deal

United States should reach an agreement with Iran for nuclear program deal. There are many disruptive about what if Iran nuclear deal not successfully between United States, and Iran. It should not happen for several reasons.

First, Both of them have reach the agreement in foreign affair meeting; To require Iran surrender approximate ninety-seven  percents of whole uranium stockpiles, while they may keep a nuclear material, and enrich only three percents of uranium  stockpiles for peaceful purpose. According to Obama Administration, “If Iran cheats, the world will know it.  International community would have a chance to be strictly monitor whole the nuclear facilities if they may keep whole the program, either not.

Second, An organization, International Atomic Energy Agency aka IAEA recently increased  transparency through with Iran to support Nuclear Energy. IAEA, an organization what is against the building of nuclear weapons that are used for military purposes.

Recently US Republican Congress, and Israel opposed an idea of the deal with Iran, an extreme Shiites. They concernedly believed that Iran would be continue to produce weapon, and destroy Israel.  According to Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu woefully opposed to the deal; He believe the deal would not successfully, and also it would threaten to Israel, only State of Jewish in Middle Eastern.  Iran won’t accept nor consider Israel as a regional in Middle Eastern. Israel urged United States to overturn the deal, and forcefully request Iran to surrender whole the nuclear facilities, nuclear materials, and also uranium stockpiles. U.S. Republican Congress raised sanction bill, and attempted proposal it to Obama Administration by cutting the deal off, and forcefully urging Iran to surrender it. But, the deal may be a long term agreement at least fifteen years for end of the deal. The world would be prepare for military actions if Iran nuclear deal fall out.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Net Neutrality is recently passed through Federal Communication Commission voted. 

Recently, Federal Communication Commission voted 3-2 to rule a Net Neutrality; To prevent any disruption cable providers to devise scheme to be unseemly charge outrageous fees on users, discriminate against internet traffic, online contents and applications, and block contents, speech for users to make difficulty communicate online. Importantly, Federal Communication Commission must protect Internet users on Net Neutrality; Internet user would have better services, internet traffics and open platforms.

Argument in favor of the  proposal of Net Neutrality to eliminate cable-franchise arrangements and monopolies for best opportunity. Editorial’s primary claim is that the Net Neutrality should be regulate internet traffics to be treated equally through internet users communicate public online.

In conclusion, Federal Communication Commission should be regulate any internet providers; all internet open, affordable, reliable, fast, and communications networks for users, economic, and future politics. Any providers is no longer prepared to regulate  to users for internet traffics, and moreover open platforms. Federal Communication Commission ensure it to be treated carrier common, as telephone, and also telegraph within regulation.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Republicans controlled on Congress fights with D.C Mayor Muriel Bowser's Initiative 71

The Washington Post opinion, the Editorial board wrote a critique of Congress should allow D.C.'s marijuana legalization to be stand. The editorials board strongly agreed with D.C. marijuana legalization.

Republicans controlled on Congress should not interfere with the District in Washington, D.C. for marijuana legalization. It is a vote to legalize the marijuana law for justice; According to young African Americans are more likely than White men to be highly arrested, and it related to marijuana crimes. Reports shown that it may caused the black communities due the loss of jobs, homes, and also the inability of attend schools, and voting rights. Eventually,In a February 26th  D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser excitedly declared to legalize the marijuana to reduce penalties for marijuana, and allow residents in Washington D.C. age twenty-one to possess no more than two ounces of cannabis for personal use, and to grow up only six plants.

Congress may dispute the marijuana legalization because of Federal Marijuana Prohibition act almost ninety years. Congress who disagreed this Initiative 71, and involved in  charging D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to be overthrown in jail for violation of the law, and quickly consisted to find a way to pervert Initiative 71. Congress should carefully consider how they would woefully interfere locals in D.C. by perverting the initiative 71.

I strongly agreed with D.C. mayor moved forward to declare the legalization in D.C. for the communities, and made a program for the marijuana legalization without Congress's help, and the will of Congress. It meant Congress would not fund the District for marijuana legalization unfortunately. Then the Districts should be develop a self-government instead of relying on Congress; They needs to be demonstrative for the rights, and justice.

More available information on Washington Post.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Congress proposed a rule to cut Disabilty Insurance in 2016

There was serious issues about Social Security benefits be woefully change. Recently Republicans controlling Congress reportedly passed a rule that it would be projected to cut approximately twenty percents disability benefits next year. It could hurt 8.8 millions Disabled Americans, and only itself could pay a eighty percent of the benefit to disabled Americans in 2016 because they ensure to reallocate the revenue from Social Security Retirements, and to protect the Old-age and Survivors Insurance Funds. Disabled Americans is concerned about the future financial of Social Security Disability Insurance may be short fall in 2016. According to the cost of disability benefits getting more expensive from 1980 through present because of the population rose. More information available in the article-