Friday, March 13, 2015

Net Neutrality is recently passed through Federal Communication Commission voted. 

Recently, Federal Communication Commission voted 3-2 to rule a Net Neutrality; To prevent any disruption cable providers to devise scheme to be unseemly charge outrageous fees on users, discriminate against internet traffic, online contents and applications, and block contents, speech for users to make difficulty communicate online. Importantly, Federal Communication Commission must protect Internet users on Net Neutrality; Internet user would have better services, internet traffics and open platforms.

Argument in favor of the  proposal of Net Neutrality to eliminate cable-franchise arrangements and monopolies for best opportunity. Editorial’s primary claim is that the Net Neutrality should be regulate internet traffics to be treated equally through internet users communicate public online.

In conclusion, Federal Communication Commission should be regulate any internet providers; all internet open, affordable, reliable, fast, and communications networks for users, economic, and future politics. Any providers is no longer prepared to regulate  to users for internet traffics, and moreover open platforms. Federal Communication Commission ensure it to be treated carrier common, as telephone, and also telegraph within regulation.

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