Friday, May 15, 2015

Police Brutality End Now!

Whole Police Officers should be mandatory to wear body cameras and just with communities. There are many disagreement between law enforcements and communities because of police's violence brutalities around the country in many decades. Body cameras should be wearing that able to interact with public communities and keep a record of evidence.

Today civilians use mobile to be increased record the police brutality document cases helpfully. Police brutality may have several reasons; not only for racial injustice, the war on drug and also justice criminal system emphasised criminalization over unfortunately justice system here

Secondary, the body cameras may useful instead of a written report and patrol car's cameras; It should prevent unjustly accused misconduct on civilians. The police officers need to restore and interact with public communities a better relationship in a particular.

Eventually, body cameras may not succeed overnight included a need to reform the justice system first, then restore public communities' trusts. Civilians may disrupt with many of police officers' brutality, abuse of authority and unjust with communities. It could exceptionally difficult move forward work each other because of both experienced through traumatic events.

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